Which one is better, a binder or a postpartum maternity garment? People often use these terms loosely and interchangeably. While both are believed to have the same functions and achieve basically the same results when used, that is to provide support and faster healing for the abdominal area particularly after childbirth either a vaginal birth or caesarean birth, binder and postpartum garment are not exactly the same.
A binder is an elastic, rectangular wrap-around with Velcro straps which can be tightened or loosened. It is much like a belt, only elastic and wider. For one thing, wearing a binder, while it’s meant to alleviate pain, may, in fact, increase the discomfort. Binders may cause itchiness and skin irritation and make breathing uncomfortable if not properly used. Postpartum maternity garments, on the other hand, are more form-fitting, come in various sizes and styles, and provide wider coverage.