
Although we are young, we have made our presence felt in the industry and have panels in some of the leading hospital and medical institutions based in Singapore. The hospitals on our client list are recognized both locally and internationally. Some of the notable hospitals we work with are:

  • Tan Tock Seng Hospital: Tan Tock Seng Hospital is counted among Singapore’s largest multi-disciplinary hospitals. The Hospital is part of the National Healthcare group with 45 clinical plus allied health departments and 16 specialist centers.
  • Singapore General Hospital: The Singapore General Hospital is the biggest and oldest hospital based out in Singapore. It’s a flagship tertiary hospital having a rich history and following a tradition of medical excellence which is spanning for two centuries
  • KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital: KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital, earlier known as “Kandang Kerbau Hospital”, is the largest hospital specialising in treating and offering healthcare services for women and children of Singapore. The 4 main departments of this hospital include obstetrics and gynecology, neonatology and pediatric services. In the year 1966, this hospital entered the Guinness Book of World Records for successfully delivering the largest number of babies inside a single maternity facility in that year.
  • Raffles Hospital: Raffles Hospital is a well established tertiary-care private hospital under the famous Raffles Medical Group. It is a reputed private healthcare service provider of Singapore and South East Asia. This hospital is having 16 specialist clinics which offer services across 35 disciplines.
  • National University Hospital: National University Hospital is a tertiary hospital, clinical training center as well as a research center for both medical and dental faculties. It acts as a referral center for various medical, surgical and dental specialties.

Apart from the above esteemed medical centers, we also have in our panel Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, Changi General Hospital, Ng Teng Fong General Hospital and many others, whom we are proud to serve.

Changi General Hospital
Khoo Teck Puat Hospital
National University Hospital